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Die beleuchteten Fenster der  Chorkapelle in der Dämmerung vom Frauengang aus fotografiert

"Seeking God and Shaping the World"


This is our vision!


For over 1240 years, women have lived in our monastery according to the rule of Saint Benedict.

Its organizing power, the certainty of its objectives,

the "well-considered measure" of what is possible within the monastic community,

Christian seriousness and joy remain relevant. All of this is based on the message of Jesus Christ.


Abbess Johanna Mayer OSB

was born on 24.4.1953 in Linz on the Danube,  Austria. After the Attending the

Gymnasium in Linz and studying German and English at the University of

Salzburg, she worked for 10 years as a teacher at the Higher School of the

Federal Government, Schloss Traunsee, Gmunden. She joined our abbey in 1991

and was elected the 56th abbess of our community by the convent on May 20,

2006. The ordination took place on 2.7.2006 by the then Archbishop of the

Diocese of Munich and Freising, CardinalFriedrich Wetter.


Her motto is:

"God is love." (Deus caritas est.) It is taken from the 1st Epistle of John:

"God is love, and he who is in love abides in God, and God abides in him."

Their coat of arms shows three symbols: the cross for faith, the star for

Hope and the heart for love.

coat of arms of the abbess
Äbtissin Johanna Mayer

Our community is on the move under the guidance of the Gospel and according to the Rule of St. Benedict with its spiritual breadth, its wise moderation and its gift of discernment of spirits.

We - currently 14 women - work in the house, garden, administration and in our businesses and thus contribute to the livelihood of the community.


Magazin 2025 anschauen


In the prologue to the Rule, Benedict comes to us with the invitation: “Listen, my daughter, to the instruction of the Master, incline the ear of your heart, willingly accept the encouragement of the kind Father and fulfill it through action.”
Anyone who hears the voice of God within themselves and follows it is already taking the first steps on the path to a life as a Benedictine.

After joining, there is a period of training lasting several years , which serves to help the sister grow into life and our community. During this time, each sister is accompanied by the person responsible for the novitiate. In personal discussions, the experiences of the new way of life are integrated into the sister's own life story and deepened.

With the perpetual profession as a final commitment to our community, the women embark on a lifelong process of growth and maturation. The Holy Scripture and the Rule of Saint Benedict serve as guidelines.


Women who want to clarify their vocation for a life with and in our community,

are very welcome! - Telephone (08054 907-0) or by email

Oblate Circle

What are Benedictine oblates?
Today, a growing number of people of all ages are seeking connection with Benedictine monasteries. This happens in a variety of ways: as churchgoers, as individual guests, as participants in days of reflection and retreats, or through quiet days in the monastery.

In this way, they all enter the force field of Benedictine life and feel that human and spiritual experience can also provide guidance, order and help for their lives in the world.


The Association of Benedictine Oblates in German-speaking countries

promotes the transmission of Benedictine spirituality for the everyday life of the oblates

and the exchange of experiences among each other.


The Oblates come together several times a year for a one-day course ("Life Advice from the Rule of Benedict") in our abbey. Anyone interested in the way of life of the World Oblates is invited and can register by email.


2 September 8, 2024

November 23, 2024

Logo der Benediktineroblaten-Arbeitsgemeinschaft

Benedictine Abbey

Frauenwörth in Chiemsee
Corporation under public law (KdÖR) - represented by the abbess

M. Johanna Mayer OSB

VAT identification number:

DE 156056888

EU Commission platform for online dispute resolution:


Tel.: +49 (0) 8054 907-0

Fax: 08054 7967

Frauenchiemsee Nr. 50

83256 Frauenchiemsee






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